Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Little Bit Of Randomness

How 21st Century can you get?! We (Guillaume and I) are both sitting here in my living room, each on our respective computers -- he on, what else but an Apple, and me on a Dell. Guillaume is doing something, not sure what -- something for work I believe, and me, well I've read through my daily bloggers, and am now of course writing one for my own site.

Just to finish up the 21st Century couple idea, last weekend Guillaume and I were in Starbucks with his Apple, and we each had a earphone in and were watching and listening to Steve Job's keynote speech -- yes, well, you can't fault us for the excitement?!

On to other news. I had already decided that a random blog was in order. I was going to write Thursday night, and then Friday, but time got away from me.

I am moving AGAIN -- I tend not to like to move, but I find myself moving quite frequently. I have been in my current home for just over a year, and next Friday Ronnie, Peter, and myself sign our names to another housing contract -- this time in Japantown, Downtown San Jose. I am still in the midst of sorting, haven't completely got around to even boxing just yet -- but I will!!! The sorting is hard enough. You should see what I've got rid of, and what I've kept.

What say you of the weather in California?! Cold and wet are two good says if I have my say. Friday was spectacular -- I don't think the rain let up all day, and it wasn't just a little drizzle, but torrential downpour. But the good news reports the Merc, is that with these storm fronts we have reached a safe level of water, or something along those lines, we aren't out of the woods yet though. Growing up in England we had a drought warnings nearly every summer, and spare the hose days in the summer -- funny, right? I mean we lived in a country with a reputation for rain 9 months out of the year, and an island to boot, and we would have drought warnings, no, I agree doesn't make much sense!!!

I do have some good blogs ruminating in my brain, just need to get them out -- and I will, not sure when though. I think for now this is enough randomness for one blog.

Oh, I am off to a booksigning this afternoon -- Camy Tang, Kristen Billerbeck, and Brandilyn Collins (and two others) are signing books at a bookstore in Morgan Hill today -- not too sure what to expect.

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