Phew, time for a break. I have spent the majority of the day boxing my things up. Rather than sitting here with a sense of satisfaction, because I did get quite a bit accomplished today, I am sitting here with a sense of overindulgence. I tend to think of that word "overindulgence" in regards to food, and eating too much of it; but this time around I think the word fits in a new way.
I think in my life I have overindulged. Certainly not with food, as many are apt to tell me I could blow away in the wind (not true, but well I am slim)!! But when I look around at all the stuff I own, or have in my possession I am overwhelmed. In the process of packing things away, I have attempted to whittle down some of the things that I own. But even then I am overwhelmed, I filled bags upon bags with trash -- mostly paper, think of all those trees. Then I filled more bags and a couple of boxes with things for Goodwill, and while those things will go somewhere where hopefully someone else can get a second use for them I can't help but think why oh why do I have so much stuff.
The question really remains is what am I going to do from this point on about purchasing and holding on to every little thing that comes across "my desk." I hope that I do at least stop before making further purchases, and evaluate the need and value of the soon to be purchase, and that in doing so I can eliminate the sense of overindulgence.
There are certain items that hold importance to me, for instance I am quite attached to my growing library of books -- and while I do lend them out sparingly, and while I do reread them often, I feel as if these items are ok to have. It is the other things that are around my apartment and now at Goodwill and now in boxes and now in the trash, and I am filled with a sense of waste.
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