Monday, January 14, 2008


*SIGH* I was just in the middle of writing a blog about "Body Worlds 2" but with the slip of a finger on a key, I deleted all that I had just written and I just don't have it in me to rewrite it at this moment -- so look back at some point tomorrow and within a post or two I'll tackle the following topics:

Body Worlds 2
Does God have a favourite pastime???
The six emotions, why are all but 2 negative emotions?
Human Life: in the earliest form -- especially in light of this coming weekend being Sanctity of Life Sunday.

Other topics for review:
"Speak now or forever hold your peace", and no it is not a subtle or otherwise reference to marriage!!
"Copycats: is it wrong to 'steal' baby names and wedding ideas?"
"Conscious thought..when and how it becomes automatic"

Alrighty then, off to do at least one of the 'dos' from my earlier post -- have a guess as to which one it could be?!

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