Wednesday, March 19, 2008

passion week day three

This week is "Holy Week." It is Passion Week. It is the week leading up to Easter, or more appropriately the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lead Pastor of my church issued a challenge to the congregation this week in an attempt to prepare for the crucifixion and resurrection. He has challenged us to mimic certain actions that echo Jesus' walk to Calvary, and furthermore echo the Jewish tradition of Passover. To read in detail go here.

Now to preface what I'm about to write, I would like to acknowledge the verses in Matthew where Jesus speaks about when you fast to not publicly announce it, and God will honor what you have done in secret - and in posting about fasting I'm not seeking accolades, or praise, but merely to speak of what I learnt from the process.

Yesterday I fasted. I abstained from food and drink, besides water, for the duration of the day. It was in correspondence with Jesus' day of starting his day cursing the fig tree for failing to bear fruit and ending with him witnessing the widow give all that she had. I chose to fast to redirect my thoughts to God, and allow it to serve as a process to put aside distractions.

Prior to yesterday I never quite realized how much food and the intake of it pervades my life. I am not constantly eating, but I am a snacker and as such have various snacks in my bag. Then throw in the adverts that speak of food, the people who walk by with Starbucks, the cups of Trail Mix, my mind was engaged in a battle. Typically I do not think about food so much during the day, but on the day that I decided that I would not partake the thought of food haunted me.

Each time that a thought of food drifted into my mind, I redirected it. The time that I would normally eat, I refocused my thoughts. In theory it worked, but truthfully I am not sure to what extent as by day's end I was weak, tired, and sorely desiring food.

However being in that state brought to light various paths of thought. The first of Jesus and his fasting for 40 days, and the level of temptation. I fasted for but a day, and in doing so I do believe it weakens your mind and body in other regards. Second as I went to sleep last night hungry, I couldn't help but think of the thousands, no millions who go without food on a daily basis and not by choice, but because they don't have access to food.

Fasting yesterday opened my eyes to things not seen during my normal day to day workings, and for that I am grateful and eager to see what other lessons through this week God has waiting for me to discover.

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