Thursday, June 19, 2008

A gradual return

So it has been a while again since my last posting. I have some archived, so to speak, but I don't think you would appreciate a slew of posts, so maybe I'll use them as back up posts in the next day or two. I have to finish my Spring Reading Review Post, officially it is over June 21st -- summer is upon us, and believe me there is no doubt that summer is here with 100 degree weather here in California. In fact, the heat is what is currently keeping me from succumbing to sleep, that and the fact that I felt I needed to post at least one blog, but I finished a book first, then roamed a little on the net, and am now settling in to write -- hello readers :)

So today I braved the department store, yes "braved" -- I've never been one to be enthralled with shopping. Some days I don't mind browsing, other times I am very specific and would rather get in and out. What I especially find difficult to tackle is having to shop for very specific items, knowing that I am most likely not to return victorious. However, that wasn't the case this afternoon. I headed to Macy's during the early part of this afternoon with the hope to purchase the undergarments for my wedding dress, needed soon -- even though we are still 86 days from officially wearing the dress -- I need to get some alterations. Well, a friend had recommended "Maidenform" and I actually had great success. So much success in fact that earlier this evening I had to make sure that the undergarments did indeed work under the dress, so I tried on the dress and viola they worked, and guess what??? I'm going to be a bride in 86 days. Something about putting the dress on this time made it seem very real and that much closer, and if it weren't for the sweltering heat I probably wouldn't have taken the dress off!!! Now I just need to find shoes, but one step of courage a week!

I have a post concerning my approaching nuptials, but I post it in it's entirety soon enough.

I also have a post ruminating in my brain about marriage, affairs, trends, and the jealous type -- and what Guillaume has to be worried about in the future!!

Speaking of upcoming posts I have one about play doh, one about my neurosis', summer vacation, dissatisfaction, and being home from France -- something to tantalize you all.

Do you ever get the sense that you're a mere vapor, and that you could easily float away? Yesterday as I was with Guillaume I had this sense of being slight, of being present, but not really, that with a slight wind I would float away, or that with a little water I would dissipate. It was a strange sensation. A little bit like seeing yourself from above, but not an outer body experience (I've had one of those before), more like this vague sense that it was all temporal, including my body, and that my body and spirit were disconnected, and that there wasn't anything grounding me -- very odd.

Speaking of details, I further initiated Guillaume into the world of Ellie. In fact I probably should start tempering the initiating until we actually do make that vow of commitment (have you noticed how I weave the marriage into nearly every thought?!) Anywho I had been busy cleaning, and had just finished when Guillaume returned home from work. He asked me about my day, at which point I told him about my day -- in vivid detail and I do mean detail. But I didn't do it to be annoying, it was just my way to expel thousands of little words that had been stored up, and he asked, so I answered. When I was finished, he laughed (he's been doing that a lot lately, laughing at me -- I think he finds me endearing ;)) and off handly mentioned that I must not have spoken to my mum much today. "I thought you wanted me to share more with you," Ellie jokingly replies. Turns out that the sharing of more is reserved for the deep crevices of life!! He tried to imitate with his telling of his day, but he just doesn't possess that kind of talent to vividly recall his detail and share each detail down to times, the rational behind not having eaten something, to the order of progression of my day.

I probably think that the above is enough to hold you over until another update from the soon to be Mrs pops up.

1 comment:

Laura @FitMamaLove said...

Glad the Maidenform worked out well for you--with dress and all!