Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back By Popular Demand

My fiance of four months has been pestering me to return to the blogging world, I believe he perceives my postings to be a window into my crazed soul...

I may have been absent from submitting my own posts, and in truth my mind had been absent from collecting thoughts, but I've reactivated it, I hadn't been absent from the blogging world. I am what is referred to as a lurker. I rarely post a comment on the blogs that I read, and more so I keep adding to the blogs that I view. Recently I discovered some new blogs and I found my afternoon fading into dusk as I read post after post, after blog after blog and I'm always startled by what you discover online. It fascinates me to see how others use the medium of blogging to communicate and socialize in this world.

Primarily through a site called
blognosh I found listings of other blogs -- the cool thing about blognosh is that is parcels the postings into categories: politics, family, relationships, etc and so you can discover a specific post, but then if it tickles the senses then you can jump to the blog as a whole.

I've also noticed this quering of the purpose of blogging. Dan Parkins over on the
Fire wrote about what his posts have looked like and will look like. A newly discovered blogger here, is currently taking a sabbatical, after having written 2500 posts in 5 years and has come away from the experience slightly drained and bruised -- there seems to have been some intense discussion and discord due to some of his postings. Another blog that I discovered is one of a man who writes anonymously about his and his wife's attempt to get pregnant -- from his perspective, and one of his latest posts was about how after 16 months they are still no closer to getting pregnant and now the humor and challenge has dissipated, and he had numerous comments from readers expressing sympathy and empathy -- people who don't KNOW him but know him to be more real than perhaps the person who they sit beside in the office cubicle.

This blogging world is still an unknown to me. I started blogging two years ago, although my first blog was not this URL. I have waned in recent months in posting as I muled over the purpose of my blogging and what I hope to accomplish through it and with it, if anything. I'm still unclear to what I want my blog to look like, or what I hope to use it for -- at the very least I know it shouldn't be static, but how to bridge that gap is where the waters are murky; at the very least I'm making a slow return to the blogging world!!!


Martin said...

There are a few slightly different facets to blogging, for me.

Firstly I started out blogging by just writing, running my mouth off, wanting to be noticed and become the next big thing maybe.

Life had other plans for me (us) and our story as it now stands, has taken over. That is all I write about now. I write to mark the significant moments in the journey, to make the events 'real', which strangely, they don't seem to be until I have recorded them, and also I just like to flex my writing skill muscles. In short, all I blog now, is for me.

Thirdly, and most surprisingly, I've made friends, some just passing, but a few who I exchange private conversations with and who give me that little boost when it's needed, a pleasant surprise.

Whatever you get from yours, my unwarranted advice is, enjoy it.

I'm quite humbled to find you as a reader, I'm very grateful.

Ellie said...

Thanks for the commentary...I appreciate you hopping over to my blog and actually posting a comment. I am beginning to realize and accept that very basic fact of merely enjoying whatever I use blogging for and just enjoy it -- be it I post daily, weekly, or monthly...thanks again.
Here's hoping cycle 17 is the winner...

Martin said...

here's hoping indeed!


danp said...

Yayyyyyy for Ellie. You are going to get my Linkin Blogs recognition soon. not that you're asking... just sayin.

Keep up the good and I mean good work. I love your writings and insights. Consider being more provocative by asking hard questions even if you don't know the answers. Let the "community" duke it out. But whatever the case... Keep it up!