Thursday, February 14, 2008


Speaking of bugs, I was - speaking of them in the last post - I'm a little skeptical that the wee little bugs aren't at this very minute making themselves a cozy little home in the sanctuary of my bedroom. You see due to the warm weather of late (again see earlier posting) my new apartment is quite warm and stuffy, and therefore to create ventiliation last night and to actually enjoy snuggling under the duvet I opened the window. But like I said it wasn't without misgiving and trepidation. I had to will myself not to imagine little insect families crawling in through the window, and well because my bed is under the window - well yes, let's perhaps stop the imagining right there!

My active imagination has turned my bedroom into a colony of insects. I can see vividly little groupings of bugs within the room - argh - seriously must stop the thoughts.

I'll let you know if any bugs have settled in for the long haul, but for now on to other thoughts!

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